Rabu, 02 September 2009

Free Mobile Games

Free Mobile Games

Hearts of Iron III is updated III

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 11:01 PM PDT

md_38604You can take direct control of army groups when necessary, of course, although the artificial intelligence seems to do a superb job of smartly carrying out your directives. The only oddity here has to do with battle casualties; they sometimes seem impossibly low, with two people dying in a showdown among 20,000 infantry. There is also more back-and-forth with your underlings. When you issue an order, the HQ in question immediately kicks back a request for units it thinks are needed to accomplish the task, allowing you to tailor production accordingly. Tech research and production are similar, providing feedback to your efforts via bonuses that accrue the more you specialize. If you research and then crank out a lot of armor, you soon find that everything speeds up as your men gain greater experience and expertise.

All in all, this system flips the usual grand strategy formula on its head, in that you can now first focus on the big picture instead of getting so bogged down in micromanagement minutiae that you scramble back and forth with little consideration for the grand scheme of things. Only tech and production remain daunting because the menu screens for each are so loaded with numbers that you soon feel like a junior accountant at tax time. Yet even with this problem, you get the feeling that this is what Hearts of Iron was supposed to be all along. Now, you’re actually in control of the game, not a slave to it. As a result, it’s tough to stop playing because it’s so easy to experiment with different approaches and muck up history.

It’s a blast to run through campaigns simply to see the many fascinating ways that they diverge from what happened in real life. One game might stick to the script with the single exception of the Netherlands signing on with the UK in 1938 to present a more united front against Hitler. Yet, the next might see something wacky, like Argentina battling the US in Central America, the French holding along the Maginot Line, or Switzerland joining the Allies and going on the offensive. Events never stray very far from the plausible, either, which makes games captivating for alt-history fans.

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