Rabu, 18 November 2009

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Updates On the fantastic PCgame Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 II

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 10:16 PM PST

2The graphics in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are based on the IW 4.0 engine which is the same as in the previous game. There have been some tweaks to improve a few things but these aren't really noticeable. The graphics are very similar to the original game but the original was pretty top notch so needless to say Modern Warfare 2 looks awesome! To accompany good graphics you need good sound. Connect this bad boy up to a surround sound system and prepare to be blown away. The bullets whip past; the bombs make you duck in your seat. It all adds together to make you feel like you are out there with gun in hand.

As with the previous Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 gives you access to a variety of weaponry to play with. Every weapon has been carefully detailed and it is a joy to use them, as it should be for any first person shooter.We’ve played many FPS games but Modern Warfare 2 has set the bench mark much higher. It is so easy and enjoyable to play that all other FPS games pale by comparison.

There are fast bits and stealthy bits, bits that get your heart racing and bits where you have to use your head. Combine the ease of play with amazing weapons, great sound and graphics, and storey line that keeps you on the edge of your seat and you know you are onto a winner

If we had any bad point to say about Modern Warfare 2 it would be the time it takes to complete it. You can be easily finished with the game within a days playing, which, when you consider the cost seems a bit poor. we don't think it is just Modern Warfare 2 that suffers from this though as nearly every other FPS we've played is the same. On the bright side the game includes good multiplayer modes as well though that should allow for many hours of quality gaming.

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