Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Latest Multiplayer PC Game I

Posted: 29 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

1More than any other game to date, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune seems to define the PlayStation 3. Naughty Dog’s 2007 jungle romp starring the one and only Nathan Drake gave gamers a taste of what it would be like to play as an acrobatically-inclined Indiana Jones. With stunning visuals (that still rank amongst the best in gaming today), a fantastically told story, great puzzles and high-octane gunplay, it’s easily one of the best titles of this console generation.

Now Naughty Dog returns to the spotlight with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Both expectedly and amazingly, Naughty Dog has indeed bested Nate’s first adventure and has created a sequel that is not only bigger and better in practically every way, but also packs a multiplayer component that could be released as its own separate, full-priced game and people would stand in line to hand over their cash.

Trying to remain as spoiler-free as possible, I’ll just say that the story starts off about a year or so after the events of the first game and begins with Nate and a few fellow thieves working on finding Marco Polo’s lost treasure fleet. Of course, things aren’t quite that simple and the cast winds up going on a much grander adventure, one that takes them half-way around the world.

That’s about as far as I want to go with the storyline, though some of the trailers out there actually reveal a little more than that. The important part here though is that this game doesn’t just take place on a single island and instead changes locales a handful of times over the course of the adventure. The result is that the pacing feels better and faster, and even though you’re technically doing the same sort of shooting, climbing and puzzle solving throughout the game, the different ways the scenes are presented gives Among Thieves a greater sense of gameplay variety than the original.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

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Dante’s Inferno, EA Brings to You! III

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

4Before the playable stage, there’s a suitably dramatic cut-scene rendered in a distinctively charming medieval tapestry style, with stirring music and extracts of the poem intoned with ecclesiastical menace. Disappointingly, we learn that the animations are only placeholder, with the usual ILM-smashing CGI mini-epics promised for the final release. We don’t doubt that these will look spectacular (as the trailer attests), but it’s not always necessary to throw money at an effects studio to make an impact. Sometimes less is more.

Control of Dante is fluid, responsive and satisfying. Initial waves of enemies, skeletal fiends that spawn from the ground like a Harryhausen movie, are thrown our way to get a feel for the controls. As with God of War, you can mash your way through these encounters untroubled, but your attacks can be finessed with mid-air grabs, throws, juggling combos and so on. And he’s an agile chap, too, clambering across walls and up and down ropes with athletic ease.

The homage to Sony’s title continues in the Cross-shaped status bar in the top-left, with two energy meters – one for health, the other for magic – replenished by collective coloured orbs left in the wake of dispatched foes, or prised out of chests with a few rapid taps of the circle button.

You’ll gain more magic attacks as you progress; the only one available to us is Lust Storm, which produces a shimmering burst of supernatural energy to get you out of a tight spot; but we also saw listings for Sins Of The Father, Heart Of Cerberus and Suicide Fruit, which sounds like the cocktail menu in a goth pub.

The game’s not out for at least another year, but is already encouragingly locked at 60 frames-per-second. And with Dante as level designer-at-large there’s no excuse for a single wasted pixel in the construction of this virtual hell.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

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Dante’s Inferno, EA Brings to You! II

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

2If you’ve ever played God of War, you’ll know exactly where you are with Inferno. And we mean exactly. X to jump, circle to grab, heavy and light attacks mapped to triangle and square, block and special attacks on the shoulder. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? In short, it’s set-piece-driven, third-person action, employing the now unmistakable blend of melee and magic attacks against enemy hordes of all shapes and sizes.

The setting for Inferno is Dante’s pursuit of his beloved Beatrice through the nine circles of Hell, after she is murdered by Death and her soul dragged into the underworld. In the literature, Dante is accompanied by the Roman poet Virgil, who guides him through the gates of Hell and down towards Lucifer at its centre. As you might imagine, a 14,000-line conversation between two poets isn’t quite like watching Commando on fast forward, so EA has used a little artistic licence to beef up Dante and turn him into a throbbing, thrusting action hero.

Rocking it in Crusader chic and armed with Death’s own scythe (which you get after bumping off the girlfriend-killing fiend during the tutorial level), digital Dante certainly looks the part. His arsenal is completed by a Holy Cross, given to him by Beatrice, which is used mechanically for magic attacks, but we’re told it also plays a crucial narrative role in the full experience.

At the global unveiling, appropriately held in Florence, we get to play through a single section of the game, level three of the game proper, just after Dante has chased Beatrice through the gates of Hell (which Knight describes as “a bit like King Kong”, presumably for those of us who only ever read The Sun).

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

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Dante’s Inferno, EA Brings to You! I

Posted: 24 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

1You have to wonder why it hasn’t happened more often. Plenty of games have been ‘inspired’ by a good root around the library, but wholesale appropriation of literature has never really been the done thing. Could EA, then, not exactly known as a creative trend-setter, become just that with Dante’s Inferno?

Glen Schofield, boss of EA’s Dead Space-making Redwood Shores studio has got the bug. “You look around and there are some [books] that I won’t mention, but you go, ‘wow, I wonder whey they haven’t made a game out of this before’,” he tells us. “And I’m not mentioning them because I want to make games out of them. But this would be one of them. It’s a great idea; it’s brilliant.”

We agree. Inferno, the first part of The Divine Comedy, scribbled down by Florentine poet Dante Alighieri in the early 14th Century, is as good a pitch for a videogame as you’ll come across. A strong lead; a wise sidekick; a damsel in distress; a mesmerising array of enemies; nine vividly described levels; and the best end-of-game boss ever. Better than Halo.

And EA isn’t the first to notice. Back in 1986, Denton Designs had a crack at the raising hell on C64. So without knowing a thing about EA’s take, using today’s tech to recreate Dante’s journey through the nine circles of Hell is a mouth-watering proposition. Having seen it and played a chunk, it’s a total no-brainer.

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

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Assassin’s Creed II Attracts Many New Players III

Posted: 23 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

4As we learn more about Ezio and become acquainted with his hometown of Florence, the game presents bite-sized bits of information on how to play Assassin’s Creed II. This interweaving of plot and tutorial establishes an intriguing tale of revenge and slowly explains a varied and complicated control scheme.

In the early missions, we’re introduced to the excellent free running system that allows players to climb over almost any surface. Movement speed in Assassin’s Creed II has been significantly increased from the first game, enabling players to fluidly zip around the city. The animations are still excellent, and Ezio’s body realistically adjusts to his environment as he climbs and vaults past obstacles. The only downside of free running is that there are moments when the camera doesn’t present the best view of what’s over the next rooftop. Overzealous free runners will take more damage from falling off buildings than they’ll ever take from a sword.

For better or for worse “stealth” games are defined by the Metal Gear series. Hideo Kojima’s vision of tactical espionage has extremely rigid rules about when a player is hidden and when they are plainly visible. Assassin’s Creed II breaks this convention, adhering more to the rules of a Jason Bourne movie, where quick actions and a dense crowd are the tools of escape. I find this version of stealth refreshing, more realistic, and ultimately a success due to the numerous options players have when navigating the city streets.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

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Kitty the Kitten – Free Mobile Gaming Pet Download

Posted: 23 Dec 2009 03:48 AM PST

kittyKitty the Kitten is a gaming mobile pet to look after on your phone. Play addictive mini-games to affect your kitten's health and happiness and then play the Platform Playtime game, see how far and fast you can go! The better you have looked after your kitten the better it will perform in the game. Playing mini-games also earns you money, which you can use to buy items in the shop to help you in the Platform Playtime. With stunning graphics and great sound Kitty The Kitten is the ultimate gaming pet!



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Assassin’s Creed II Attracts Many New Players II

Posted: 22 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

3Assassin’s Creed II starts off with a bang, springing Desmond from jail and introducing him to the Assassins at their secret hideout. Here they have access to the same technology that allows Desmond to relive the past. In the last game, his brain was forcibly used to reveal powerful artifacts hidden in 12th century Jerusalem. This time Desmond temporally relocates to 15th century Italy by choice to learn the ways of the Assassins through the life of Ezio Audituerre de Firenze.

It’s a convoluted setup, but it’s also a great excuse to skip around in time, taking control of a character for only the most interesting moments of his life. Players are introduced to Ezio at the moment of his birth as part of a clever lesson on movement. It then jumps to his formative years as a womanizer, a street fighter, and the son of a wealthy banker. He isn’t a wholly likable character, but the game steers us towards a revenge plot that provides the player plenty of motivation to stick with the story. The Renaissance setting also adds a much needed dose of color and humor to the series.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

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Assassin’s Creed II Attracts Many New Players I

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 04:11 AM PST

1Assassin’s Creed II is the follow-up to Ubisoft’s 2007 hit that attracted a mass audience if not unanimous critical acclaim. The sequel is an expansive and bloody romp through Renaissance Italy that plays up every popular aspect of the first installment while righting many of its flaws. Assassin’s Creed II has evolved from an ill-defined action game into a fully featured open world experience. Everything from the new monetary system to the ability to buy armor and weapons makes it a richer, and ultimately more satisfying game than its predecessor.

The plot of Assassin’s Creed pulls together a bit of The Matrix, a lot of historical fiction, and throws in elements of the madcap conspiracy theories found in a Dan Brown novel. The series also has the benefit of being crafted by some of the most talented hands in game development. With only a handful of exceptions, the environments, animations, and art are beautifully portrayed. In addition to its good looks, the sequel’s gameplay builds so much upon the foundations of the first game, that in retrospect, the first Assassin’s Creed looks like little more than a technical demonstration.
Both fans and detractors of Assassin’s Creed will be pleased to know that the sequel fully addresses and ties up many of the loose ends from the last game. It picks up exactly where we left off, with the kidnapped bartender Desmond locked in his cell at Abstergo. This corporation is the modern-day face of the Templars and they’re after Desmond’s valuable genetic memories. The magic of modern technology allows Desmond to relive the exploits of his Assassin ancestors. His genealogy puts him at the center of a war between the Templars and Assassins.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

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3D BIO-SOLDIERS – Free 3D Shooting Mobile Games Download

Posted: 12 Dec 2009 08:59 PM PST

bio-soldiersJoseph Stalin is not expecting the World Revolution anymore. He is preparing for a war!
On Stalin's orders a laboratory for bio-soldiers production is created by KGB. Bio-soldiers hare gifted with amazing strength, endurance and other battle characteristics. They can destroy everything they meet on their way!
ABVER (German reconnaissance) finds out this top secret information. Germany is aiming for world domination and this new invention is definitely not a part of the plan…
German secret agent Hans Mueller equipped with unknown alpha-virus is sent to USSR territory. The whole laboratory and all its security personnel get infected with this virus. They become monsters and get out of control.

KGB urgently sends their best agent Ivan Molotov to destroy the laboratory and eliminate infected monsters and the German spy!
You are a soviet super-agent. One of the best KGB soldiers. Your goal is to destroy all monsters infected with alpha-virus and not get infected yourself on the way, get rid of the German spy and save the secret documentation…


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Dance Fever – Free RPG Dancing Mobile Games Download

Posted: 12 Dec 2009 08:19 PM PST

Dance_Fever-coverThinking you can dance? Or have you got two left feet? Either way this game can teach you a step or two. Established on some of the best dance games, Dance Fever captures the euphoria and fun from these modern day classics, & will give you non-stop enjoyment for hours on end with its awesome graphics, cool music, easy controls & addictive gameplay!
Don””t forget the more correct combo moves you make, the higher the bonus. Challenge your friends, &…
Set the dance floor on FIRE!!!



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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

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Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City arrived! III

Posted: 04 Dec 2009 10:08 PM PST

3The Ballad of Gay Tony

While it's a genuine blast tearing through Liberty City with your gang, it is The Ballad of Gay Tony that makes this second episode one of the best Grand Theft Auto experiences in Liberty City this side of the fourth main game. You assume the role of Dominican muscle Luis Lopez who works for the flamboyant Tony Prince (better known as Gay Tony) who owns the most popular straight and gay nightclub in Liberty City.

Like Niko Bellic, Luis is a likeable man with an eye towards business and nothing else so there is seldom a quiet moment for him seeing as the city is swarming with those that are willing to get in the way of business. He's also the type of guy who takes care of business whether it's tending to the nightclubs or lending his muscle to Gay Tony who manages to get them both into trouble.

Adding more weapons to the arsenal including the new weapons introduced in The Lost and Damned, Gay Tony also brings more of all the things we liked about GTA IV as well as those little touches including hanging out with friends or participating in even more activities that include dancing, drinking with the VIPs in the nightclubs and even take to the skies with helicopters. Even the missions are more fun in this episode.

You can read the full review on The Ballad of Gay Tony here.

While both games are pleasantly lengthy and add more interesting things to do in Liberty City, it is Gay Tony that really sells this package. Still, this doesn't mean you won't have a hell of a time riding a chopper with The Lost but Gay Tony simply feels like a complete package all by itself. My only gripe is that the online multiplayer portion sports separate lobbies so if you loved the weapons in Gay Tony while playing Lost and Damned you will have to quit your game and load up Gay Tony instead.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

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Godzilla – Free TV & Movie Mobile Games Download

Posted: 04 Dec 2009 03:59 AM PST

Godzilla-coverPlay as Godzilla in this Monster Mayhem… take on humans and monsters & crush anything that dares to stand in your way!
Arcade-style rampage provides exciting game-play
Play across multiple environments – Blue waters, the beach, the suburbs, the metropolis and the jungle outskirts
Face multiple enemy types – machinery – helicopter gunships, jet fighters, battleships, robots and monsters
Breathe fire, stomp, pulverize buildings or flatten the whole landscape with a sweep of the tail.



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Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

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Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City arrived! II

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

2The Lost and the Damned

Having been the released first as a download-only game a couple of months back, The Lost and the Damned tells the story of Johnny Klebitz, second-in-command of The Lost Motorcycle Club who suddenly finds himself questioning the dealings of the club's President who was recently released from prison. Suddenly, Johnny begins his quest to save The Lost from a man who might just end up destroying the motorcycle gang.

In true GTA fashion, Johnny is free to take on a number of story missions or spend his time riding his chopper through Liberty City causing as much mayhem with his brothers as possible. He can even hang out at The Lost headquarters or participate in numerous other side ventures. Since the game pushes the motorcycle gang aspect of the game, you can even call on fellow The Lost club members to provide back up when you need it the most.

The Lost and Damned fixed a few of the issues that popped up in GTA IV, namely better checkpoints during missions so if you manage to get killed or fail to complete the objective you can replay from the checkpoint via the cell phone. There are even hidden extras in the game, new weapons (a better pistol and sawed-off shotgun), new songs on the radio and more new vehicles that include various motorcycles.