Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Free Mobile Games

Free Mobile Games

Dante’s Inferno, EA Brings to You! II

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 10:01 PM PST

2If you’ve ever played God of War, you’ll know exactly where you are with Inferno. And we mean exactly. X to jump, circle to grab, heavy and light attacks mapped to triangle and square, block and special attacks on the shoulder. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? In short, it’s set-piece-driven, third-person action, employing the now unmistakable blend of melee and magic attacks against enemy hordes of all shapes and sizes.

The setting for Inferno is Dante’s pursuit of his beloved Beatrice through the nine circles of Hell, after she is murdered by Death and her soul dragged into the underworld. In the literature, Dante is accompanied by the Roman poet Virgil, who guides him through the gates of Hell and down towards Lucifer at its centre. As you might imagine, a 14,000-line conversation between two poets isn’t quite like watching Commando on fast forward, so EA has used a little artistic licence to beef up Dante and turn him into a throbbing, thrusting action hero.

Rocking it in Crusader chic and armed with Death’s own scythe (which you get after bumping off the girlfriend-killing fiend during the tutorial level), digital Dante certainly looks the part. His arsenal is completed by a Holy Cross, given to him by Beatrice, which is used mechanically for magic attacks, but we’re told it also plays a crucial narrative role in the full experience.

At the global unveiling, appropriately held in Florence, we get to play through a single section of the game, level three of the game proper, just after Dante has chased Beatrice through the gates of Hell (which Knight describes as “a bit like King Kong”, presumably for those of us who only ever read The Sun).

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